Friday, 31 December 2010

Stand up and be counted

Relying on clarity is not a passive state. In clarity there is a spontaneous natural ethics coupled with the power to take clear, direct action if that is what is required. Clarity intelligence does not need to hold to any conventional framework at all and is thus free of the need to look any particular way.

In the open-hearted caring of clarity there is immense power to bring incredible benefit to yourself and to many others. Stand up and be counted!

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Training up

Training is required to take clarity intelligence all the way, if you think you don't need a trainer then that is a sure sign of holing up in a point of view.

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

No one at home

It is a very painful extreme to adopt the position of "I am not really there", or "I cannot do anything to take responsibility for recognising clarity". Clarity is the vast expanse that includes all points of view equally and does not need to adopt any conceptual point from which to view.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Did you know that Great Freedom offers regular tele-trainings in 6 different languages. You can call in and participate in a training that will support you in gaining confidence in clarity from anywhere in the world. This is just one aspect of the global support network. Clarity, it's up to you!

Friday, 3 December 2010


Everything spontaneously self-releases without anything needing to be done. Right now look at your own experience and see how things really are. Each perception has exactly the same fundamental nature. It appears spontaneously and then simultaneously effortlessly resolves. Each thought inseparable from the seamless flow of experience, each point of view the dynamic display of clarity. This happens without any effort needed to make it so, each perception resolving naturally, like the knot in a snake effortlessly undoes itself.

With this simple recognition there is immediate relief.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010


If you are interested in being immersed in a global support network that will only help you to recognise how incredible you already are then have a look at Great Freedom. Here you will find direct, clear and precise instructions as to how to bring the theoretical understanding of the unified nature of existence into your everyday lived reality.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Does it work?

Does it work? This is the crucial question to ask yourself about any training that is offered in any sphere of human activity. Does the training deliver what is promised? Is there a support network that will offer precise guidance and help 24/7? Are there thousands of other people who are also seeing impressive results due to the training? Is there a forum where you can go and read about other people's experiences with the training? Are there a growing number of trainers able to convey the training with clarity and effectiveness? Is the training available to anyone regardless of their financial situation?

If you can answer yes to all of these questions then it may be that you have found something rather incredible.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Brighter and brighter

Life just gets easier and easier as clarity get brighter and brighter.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

The clarity blast

Blow open all your assumptions and carefully constructed ideas with a simple short moment of clarity. Discover for yourself just how much you have to contribute. Seize the power of your own mind and recognise just how capable you are. Go beyond any and all adopted belief systems right to the heart of the matter and see for yourself the true nature of the wonder of existence. Don't settle for anything less than the complete confirmation of natural perfection, right here, right now as the clarity shining brightly as whatever happens to be appearing.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

100% guarantee

There is a 100% guarantee that you will experience increased mental and emotional stability, keen insight, naturally arising compassion and the ability to act skilfully in all situations, simply by taking advantage of the support that is freely available from Great Freedom and the Balanced View. Now that is the kind of guarantee that is actually worth having.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


It can be a little bit of a shock to realise that we are completely responsible for our own well-being. By gently familiarising ourselves with the beneficial clarity that is the basis of all experience then we gradually become accustomed to this.

The first place we see this benefit is in our own lives as from the vantage of clarity we have a much more spacious context for all of our fleeting thoughts, emotions and sensations. We recognise that we don't actually have to be a victim of these unpredictable appearances but instead can choose to become grounded in the stability of clarity.

As the recognition of our basic "okayness" dawns then we see that all the time and energy that we put into trying to fix ourselves can in fact be much better utilised to help and support other people. This is such a relief and we can take our place a mature members of the Human race.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

True Freedom

True freedom is to see beyond every adopted frame of reference and to recognise our power to bring incredible benefit to all.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Peaceful stability

In a short moment of simply allowing whatever point of view arises to just be exactly as it is then the true nature of all experience is directly recognised. Each perception effortlessly flowing on by, leaving no trace in the vastness of sky-like clarity.

When we give up the struggle with each fleeting appearance then we find the peaceful stability that is at the root of every moment. We discover the capacity to be in true relationship with ourselves and with everyone else. Open-hearted clarity pervading each and every moment, all points of view an opportunity to be of great benefit.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Your power of benefit

Each one of us has the power to be a force for powerful benefit in the world. Become familiar with the relaxed clarity that is naturally present right now. Take responsibility for contributing to world peace, make your life a peace zone. It has to start with each one of us!

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Extract the power

To extract the power from any thought, emotion or experience just relax for a short moment. Relax and really allow everything to be felt fully, without avoiding anything. Notice the openness of perception that is naturally present regardless of whatever the particular experience happens to be.

Whenever you remember simply repeat this simply recognition of innate clarity and find out for yourself the power of benefit in every moment.

With the guidance of a trainer, written texts and a global community it is absolutely guaranteed that you will experience increased mental and emotional stability, keen insight into the nature of experience and the ability to respond skilfully in all situations. It is all there, ready for you to take advantage of.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Natural state

Our natural state is relaxed and clear. Each time we pause the need to frantically describe everything that is going on then this natural openness is instinctively recognised. It is such a relief to recognise this stable ground of being, to discover that we are naturally compassionate, sensitive and alert and completely able to contribute our incredible gifts to be of benefit to all.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010


Freedom is not a self centred activity. True freedom is the ability to become an active participant in life. True freedom is seeing how skilled and capable we are and then effortlessly directing our activities for the benefit of all. True freedom is bursting with the wonder of the beauty of each moment and the wanting for the best for everyone. True freedom is to be found in relaxing for a short moment and gently allowing the recognition of clarity to become more and more obvious.

Short moments of clarity, repeated many times, become continuous.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Global clarity network

The power we have when we work together is something that most people already know. When we blast open the myriad of descriptive frameworks we have used to try and contrive the ways in which we can contribute and cooperate then we discover a whole new order of beneficial activity.

By tapping in to the global support network of Great Freedom what you discover is a group of people completely dedicated to supporting each other in relying on clarity. By seeing that we do have the ability to extract the power from each of our own experiences we know decisively that this is something that other people are also capable of. Each circumstance becomes the perfect opportunity to recognise the brilliance of clarity intelligence and it's innate compassion, strength and beneficial responsiveness. We all know how normal it is for us to want the best for other people. It's time to stop blaming others for the problems that we see in the world and actually begin to take responsibility for ourselves.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Great Benefit

The reason for gaining confidence in clarity is to be of great benefit.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Obsessive self focus

The recognition of the clarity of awareness is not about starting up another activity that is obsessively focused on all the ideas we have about everything. It is very easy to simply replace conventional frameworks with new frameworks about the recognition of clarity.

If you find yourself thinking about the recognition of clarity then this is a sign that you simply need to relax for a short moment. In this immediate instinctive recognition is all the understanding that you will ever require. The brilliant responsive intelligence of clarity is this relaxed openness.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Just show up

The most incredible piece of advice I was ever given was "just show up". Simply by listening to the hundreds of hours of free downloads, watching videos and attending Open Meetings whenever I was able, clarity became more and more obvious. With absolutely unerring instruction and support it is guaranteed that there is an increased ease and stability in all situations. It is an incredible relief to recognise that everything, without exception, rests in the warm embrace of clarity. I am so grateful for this incredible training and the love, warmth and openness that are now so much a part of my life.

Thank you Great Freedom!

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Real Intelligence

What is looking through your eyes is clear, alert and vital. This clarity is evidenced in the ability to experience the ever-changing flow of perception. This dynamic display is the perfect opportunity to recognise the always-on nature of innate clarity.

By relying on clarity rather than only the descriptive frameworks that we have adopted to try and understand what is going on we tap into the vital essence of all experience. This essence is intelligent and all-pervasive, pervading all experience without exception. Clarity is the ability to respond with complete openness in any situation and to clearly see what is the most beneficial action we can take. It is like seeing everything from the top of a mountain, effortlessly knowing exactly what to do or what to say without any turmoil or confusion possible.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

A case of mistaken identity

When we believe all of the conventional descriptions of who we are then we create an identity based on what other people have told us. By the direct observation of our own experience we are capable of coming to a definitive conclusion about the nature of our experience and thus about the nature of our true identity.

The painful way of life based on making all kinds of assumptions about who we are and what we need to be happy is shone through in an instant of instinctive relaxed openness. With the support of a community of people dedicated to relying on this innate clarity then there is no chance of even the slightest confusion around this most vital of recognitions. With nothing to defend there is no place for resentment and pain. With nothing to prove their is only spontaneous cooperation. With nowhere to go there is only total wonder at everything just as it is!

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Direct Recognition

The direct recognition of the inseparable nature of clarity from every perception is completely convincing. This recognition does not depend on what the perception might happen to be. We might have labelled it a thought, emotion or physical sensation. However we have labelled it clarity shines brightly, lighting up the perception from within. Clarity illuminates all experience without exception.

In a short moment of relaxed openness, this is immediately and directly known. Great Freedom is a worldwide community of people dedicated to making the simple choice of relying on clarity. With the clear, consistent support that is offered confidence in clarity is guaranteed to increase and the ability to live life unlimited by any conventional framework becomes a reality.

Friday, 10 September 2010


What a relief to discover that we don't need to believe anything that we have been told about who we are or what we need to do to be OK. When we relax for a short moment we find something that we can really count on, something that we can really trust, our own direct experience of sky-like clarity. This direct, instinctive recognition of the stable ground of all experience is completely convincing and blows open the need to try and pin down or hold on to any fleeting appearance. Instead, when we repeat this simple recognition, we see that we can be more and more comfortable with the unpredictable flow of experience, however it looks. Great freedom is freedom in the immediate perception of everything exactly as it is. It is about getting real with ourselves about exactly what is the true nature of our experience, seeing that with clear guidance and support we have everything we need to gain confidence in the clarity that is the essence of every moment.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010


In a short moment of relaxed openness the simplicity of being is directly experienced. Potent clarity effortlessly pervades all experience, lighting it up from within.

Short moments of the instinctive recognition of clarity, repeated many times, become continuous.

Monday, 6 September 2010

No longer a victim

What a relief to discover that we no longer have to be a victim to any of our points of view. By relying on sky-like clarity for short moments, many times, then we directly experience the stable ground of all experience, amidst the unpredictable flow of perceptual phenomena.

By taking advantage of the support offered by Great Freedom it is absolutely guaranteed that confidence in relying on clarity will increase and we will experience increased ease in all situations.

Sunday, 5 September 2010


Each moment is unique, fresh and new. The content of our experience is continually changing and yet underpinning it all is the vastness of sky-like clarity, constant and completely reliable. By emphasising clarity rather than only the contents of our experience we discover something quite incredible. What we discover is the stable ground of all our experience, the constant amongst all the ceaseless flow of fleeting appearances, naturally present and unwavering.

When we begin to rely on this clarity then we see how easily we are able to respond with warmth, openness and piercing intelligence in any situation, we are no longer confined by having to conform to all our conventional frames of reference. We directly experience what real freedom is and the fundamental nature of all our experience is directly recognised. Each moment has the same potential, each moment is an opportunity to recognise what is already the case. Short moment by short moment, gently touch in with this openness and see for yourself.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Descriptive frameworks

All descriptive frameworks rest naturally in the basic state of clarity. All opposites and dichotomies subsumed in clarity, the broadest of all categories. Nothing opposed to clarity as all is the display of clarity. No label more evidence of natural perfection than any other. The expanse of equalness and evenness is the perfect playground for purely beneficial qualities and activities, hooray!

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Scientific method.

Recognising your true nature is not a matter of faith or belief but instead of direct, clear observation of the way things actually are. If we take the "scientific method" to it's logical conclusion then there is no need to take anything we have learned about ourselves and the nature of reality from other people as true but instead actually rely on our own experience. When we look clearly there is nothing that has an independent nature, separate or apart from the clarity that is looking through your eyes or hearing through your ears. All the "things" that seemed so real and compelling immediately have a completely different context and we can finally begin to relax the obsessive rearranging of space to try and make ourselves feel better, phew.

Scientific method.

Recognising your true nature is not a matter of faith or belief but instead of direct, clear observation of the way things actually are. If we take the "scientific method" to it's logical conclusion then there is no need to take anything we have learned about ourselves and the nature of reality from other people as true but instead actually rely on our own experience. When we look clearly there is nothing that has an independent nature, separate or apart from the clarity that is looking through your eyes or hearing through your ears. All the "things" that seemed so real and compelling immediately have a completely different context and we can finally begin to relax the obsessive rearranging of space to try and make ourselves feel better, phew.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

The nature of reality

When you relax for an instant it is obvious the way that all phenomena effortlessly arise and resolve in a seamless uniflow. The spontaneous self-release of the hear-and-now is absolutely guaranteed as is evidenced by the fact that it is impossible to hold on to any thought. Each thought slips into the next without any effort required.

With the help of the global support network at Great Freedom you will find clear directions on how to become completely confident in clarity.

Friday, 27 August 2010

Direct experience

Having an intellectual understanding of the interconnectedness of everything is great. However, it is only when we start to directly experiences the unified nature of all phenomena in daily life that we really start to tap in to the incredible power that we have. This power is the power to bring about radical change that is so obviously needed in the world from the vantage of clarity intelligence.

The simple practice of taking short moments of clarity, repeated many times, until it becomes continuous is guaranteed to bring increasing confidence in clarity. Great Freedom is a worldwide grass-roots movement that empowers and supports people who are interested in becoming confident in clarity and its powers of great benefit. By recognising that clarity is the essence of every perception we cut the root of needing to define ourselves by means of outmoded learned belief systems and instead allow the brilliance of clarity to become more and more obvious. Instead we open up to the unlimited potential of every moment and see what we are really capable of.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Evoking Clarity

There are many pleasant words spoken about clarity or awareness but very few that have the power to directly evoke the instinctive recognition of the fundamental nature of reality. Even when we hear words that resonate deeply it is essential that these initial insights be supported with clear instructions on how to stabilise the recognition. If this is not the case then we are likely to become more confused about what we have experienced and to adopt an extreme position or point of view without realising what we are doing.

This is where a global community and support network is vital. By really committing to take short moments of clarity along with the rest of the invaluable support offered by Great Freedom it is absolutely guaranteed that you will find increasing stability in all areas of life.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Repetition, repetition, repetition

Repetition is an incredibly powerful learning tool. It is by repeatedly emphasising the labels and descriptions that we gradually come to believe in an independently existing material "reality" and an independently existing personal identity. From this perspective it is no great surprise that we often feel separate or disconnected.

By repeatedly recognising the wide-open clarity that is the source, essence and fundament of all experience then we gently come to see the already always interconnected nature of all labels and descriptions. It is only by being firm in the commitment to recognise innate clarity for short moments that we see through the myriad of belief systems and descriptive frameworks that we have adopted. Naturally present sky-like clarity has no need for any concept or idea to support itself.

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Natural Perfection!

Through taking short moments of really allowing everything to be exactly as it is, the inseparable nature of everything from the basic state of clarity is directly experienced. The seamless flow of all phenomena is obvious once we relax the obsessive habit of describing, analysing or elaborating fleeting appearances. The fact that everything rests equally in natural perfection that transcends all descriptive frameworks is not something that can be easily grasped intellectually but it is something that can be directly experienced in a short moment of relaxation. From the vantage of relaxed clarity we are able to take action that is of powerful benefit as we see that the display of phenomena is the opportunity demonstrate the powers of practical perfected action.

Friday, 20 August 2010

The support of the community

The support of a global community of people dedicated to relying on clarity is essential. This along with the guidance of a clear teacher and texts that directly evoke the instinctive recognition of clarity form the necessary framework for increasing confidence in clarity. Along with the always available tool of "short moments" of clarity, these four supports or mainstays prevent us becoming sidetracked down one of the many tributaries of awareness.

Without this steady support there is no way that I could have remained as steadfastly rooted in the beneficial flow of clarity. Thank you to everyone that contributes in so many skilful ways to this global clarity society.

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Natural Perfection?

When I came across this teaching one of the questions that I had was "How is it possible that all of my thoughts, emotions and experiences are naturally perfect?"

It seemed to me that so many of my thoughts, emotions and experiences were obviously signs of my imperfection and the imperfection of others and the world in general. After all I became angry, sad, irritated, bored on a regular basis and I saw that this was the case for everyone else as well. I could see so much injustice and violence in the world and certainly couldn't see how this was an indication of anything other than the fundamentally flawed nature of life and human society.

The first thing that I began to see was how I always had a choice in every moment. It was always the same choice and didn't depend on what I was thinking or how I was feeling or even who I was with. This choice was the choice to relax for a short moment and to recognise the natural presence of sky-like clarity. As it became apparent that I did always have this choice, no matter what was going on, then it also began to dawn on me that every situation was perfect for me to make this choice. This was always the case no matter how I how I described what was going on.

This was amazing as for the first time there was something that was quiet incredible about my feelings of anxiety, nervousness or self-doubt. It was seen that they were in fact an opportunity to rely on clarity. They weren't something that I had to spiral down into a vicious circle of further introspection about but became opportunities to relax for a short moment. My confidence has effortlessly grown that I can in fact leave these so called afflictive states and negative emotions exactly as they are and that when I do this they really don't have the power over me that I thought they did. I began to see through the mass of belief systems and conceptual frameworks that I had built up around them and there was immediately a greater sense of ease.

Sunday, 15 August 2010


Who you are doesn't require the support of any conceptual framework or idea. The open-hearted clarity that is the basis of all experience is naturally present, wide-open like a cloudless sky. Once this is recognised then the whole search for identity relaxes. This in itself is a great relief but the true wonder is to discover the inseparability of clarity from the ability to act with compassion and skill in all situations. This is the demonstration of clarity in everyday life.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Decision making

Once we recognise the nature of all experience to be like a rainbow appearing in the sky then we immediately have a more relaxed approach to decision making. If we have never been able to hold on to any perception and realise that the only place to find completely stability and well-being is in relying on clarity then immediately we have a different perspective on all experience. To see that complete well-being is accessible right now, just by relaxing the need to describe everything that is going on, then we also see that our well-being does not depend on the outcome of any decision.

By relaxing it is clearly seen that decisions and solutions effortlessly arise in the same space of wide-open clarity as all other perceptions. Clarity intelligence is already the case, permeating each moment with its brilliant light, relax and notice that this is the case.

Monday, 9 August 2010

Clarity society

The power we have when we come together to create a society based on clarity is amazing. By taking responsibility for extracting the power from all our viewpoints we access a powerful intelligence that is not restricted by conventional frameworks or approaches. The problem solving capacity of innate clarity can be applied to any sphere of human activity, to any part of your life. By relaxing for a short moment we allow the spontaneous creative brilliance of clarity to become obvious in a very practical way. All situations are approached with an openness and ease that allows true innovation. This is demonstrated in the way that we relate to ourselves, other people and the challenges that we face in life. By supporting each other in this most important of choices we are bringing about the radical change that is so clearly needed. It is the simple choice between a world based on fear and greed and a society grounded in the mutual respect inherent in natural clarity. Each short moment of clarity you take contributes to this powerful force for change.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Natural benefit

How amazing to discover that our natural condition is one of open-hearted benefit!

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

One simple change makes life easy

I used to be very hard on myself. Constantly analysing and picking apart everything I said or did. I was always trying to work out what people had thought about me, whether they found me attractive or funny or clever or cool. It was very rare that I thought I measured up to my high expectations of how I should be. Not surprisingly, I was also very judgemental and critical of other people.

Through a growing confidence in clarity I have seen how painful and unnecessary this approach is. Through simply allowing everything to be exactly as it is for a short moment, the true nature of all experience is revealed in a very direct way. I recognised that none of these fleeting appearances were anything that I needed to make a big deal out of, the perspective that I had always known to be the case was suddenly more obvious in day to day life. This is the one simple change that makes life easy.

Read more either as a free download or order from Amazon about One Simple Change Makes Life Easy

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Global Community

The prospects for a society based on mutual respect and the problem solving capacity of clarity become apparent every time we take a short moment to recognise our own innate clarity. By repeating this recognition we see that clarity cuts the root of all conventional belief systems and approaches to life. From uncontrived openness we are empowered to respond with spontaneous intelligence that is naturally all inclusive and effortlessly of benefit to all. From uncontrived openness relating becomes easy as the need to assert or prove ourselves relaxes and there is an open-hearted care-free approach to all situations. What is most incredible is to see how from uncontrived openness how effective we can be. When we are no longer constrained by all the learned knowledge that we have accumulated then we can act decisively and with great clarity and allow true innovation that can benefit many to effortlessly arise.

Check it out, see for yourself. Stop thinking, just for a moment....notice the clarity that remains.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

My experience of the Human Identity Summit

Participating in the Human Identity Summit has benefited me in so many ways. It was so powerful to see that the slight unease I has still subtly felt around certain viewpoints to do with sex and relationships are also fine to be left exactly as they are. When left like this then I can really extract the power from them. Once recognised as the dynamic liveliness of clarity then instead of being something that can cause tension or unease they are instead full of potent benefit. Seeing beyond the conventional frameworks that I tried to use to understand and define my identity and my experience is always incredible and by shining the bright light of clarity into all the unnoticed corners then we become absolutely clear as to the nature of all view points. It was interesting to see how there were still subtle viewpoints that I was still giving power to define who I was and how I should behave.

It is in the lighting up of these viewpoints that true power is found, for the less encumbered by learned belief systems we are the more free we are to respond with complete openness in any situation, whatever that situation might be. The less we need to reference what is going on to some fictitious identity that we have adopted then the easier it is to be with ourselves and with other people. I feel so much more at ease with myself as I grow in confidence in clarity, nothing to prove, nothing to attain just the natural unfolding of beneficial qualities and activities in everyday life.

In my work I see again and again how potent relying on clarity is. Clarity allows for the effortless assimilation and analysis of all available data or information. From the vantage of clarity everything is seen clearly and since nothing can distract from clarity then nothing can prevent the spontaneous appearance of solution orientated benefit. This perspective allows for effortless adaptation to the continuously changing situation we find ourselves in and this is particularly so in the work environment. There is nothing that can slow for even an instant the potent flow of clarity
benefit and this is demonstrated in practical ways in all areas of my life.

What has been most incredible about the Summit has been the blasting open of so many conventional ideas regarding the capacity to be of benefit. I am now clear that it really is up to me to decide how I want to spend my life. It is also clear exactly how much capacity to be of benefit we have as human beings. We are not limited by anything, not even our imaginations and as the free flowing display of clarity benefit becomes brighter and brighter this is apparent in my direct experience.

Together we are creating a clarity revolution that is gently yet powerfully sweeping the globe. I feel so fortunate to be on this amazing adventure with all of you and to know my identity as brilliant clarity.

You can watch some of the amazing videos from the Human Identity Summit here

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Indestructable benefit

The full power of you and your ability to be of incredible benefit is revealed in a short moment of clarity. By cutting the root of conventional descriptions we see the naked truth of existence revealed in all its wonder. From the vast open expanse of clarity we are able to see clearly exactly how to act in any situation. When we are no longer caught up in the web of descriptions, labels and concepts that seemed so compelling then we allow the raw intelligence at the base of all experience to be come more and more obvious. This piercing clarity sees everything exactly as it is with nothing to hide from or avoid any more. Open-hearted clarity is powerful and direct.

Friday, 23 July 2010

Clarity Intelligence

Clarity intelligence pervades and subsumes all descriptions. Through growing familiarity with clarity we begin to see beyond the fictitious world of descriptions and labels. Steadfast in the obviousness of clarity in every moment all appearances are transformed into their wisdom counterparts. We allow the brilliance of clarity intelligence to inform our speech and actions in a completely relaxed natural way. The benefit of this recognition is immediate and powerful as true innovation can only arise once we see through the self-imposed limitations of conventional frames of reference.

Great Freedom provides a global support network to help you become familiar with clarity identity.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Secret thoughts

The brilliant all-pervasive glow of clarity lights up all experience with its luminosity. All really does mean all, especially those particular thoughts or feelings that we are convinced are evidence of something being wrong. It is in these "secret" thoughts that we will find the greatest power and evidence of clarity when we discover that we can, we really can, allow them to be just however they are. They cannot harm us, they cannot shake the obviousness of love-clarity no matter how elaborate our stories about them. When we leave them exactly as they are and do not attempt to block or avoid them then we can extract the power from them as pure brilliant shining clarity. Freedom in immediate perception, easy when we just relax.

Saturday, 17 July 2010


There is an inherent morality at the root of all experience. This becomes apparent in the way that we relate with ourselves and others from the vantage of crystal-clear clarity. There is no need to contrive anything, just allow the brilliant intelligence that is required for all experience to become obvious, short moment by short moment. In this short moment the relaxed clarity, or perceptual openness, clarity is instinctively recognised. From this vantage there is nothing to defend, prove or lie about, as all is seen to be the natural emanation of wide-open clarity. Actions spontaneously become less self-centred and the focus gently slips away from any assumed identity, phew, what a relief...

For support in this recognition check out

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Key instructions

Key instructions are vital to the instinctive recognition of clarity. "Short moments of clarity, repeated many times, become continuous."

To see the latest incredible videos from the ongoing Human Identity Summit click here

Monday, 12 July 2010

Support in gaining confidence in clarity.

Clarity is the core competence and most powerful of all natural resources. When we try to gain confidence in clarity on our own there are all kinds of subtle points of view that we may not notice that we have adopted. The value of teachers and a community is to support us in becoming completely clear as to the nature of all phenomena. With the right support there is no way to become lost in the more subtle frames of reference and we can really become empowered to shine with the brilliance of innate clarity and inspire others to do the same. Together we can create a world that we are truly proud to be a part of, a world based on the problem solving capacity of clarity.

Great Freedom is such a global community. Somewhere that you will only find support in gaining confidence in clarity and where you can support others in being the best that they can be. Check it out, what have you got to lose?

Sunday, 11 July 2010


You clarity is already shining brilliantly, right now. Only to be found in the present moment perception, whatever that happens to be. Become familiar with this most potent of natural resources short moment by short moment. Allow everything to be just as it is and recognise that it is only due to innate clarity that anything is know at all. Open up to a life based on clarity and your true potential blossoms like a well tended garden.

Saturday, 10 July 2010


Perfect mental and emotional stability is not something that is even posited as being a possibility by most people. However, when we become confident in relying on clarity then this is exactly what we find. Clarity is the stable ground of all experience, the only constant amidst the unpredictable flow of experience. It is always there, always accessible, always shining brightly as whatever perception is there at this moment.

Great Freedom provides a worldwide support network to support gaining confidence in relying on clarity.

Friday, 9 July 2010


The sheer joy of recognising that everything, right now, is perfectly complete exceeds all expectations. The only way that this can be recognised is to pause your descriptive train of thought, just for an instant, and simply relax. Nothing needs to change for this instinctive recognition to take place and this option is available to you right now. There is nothing in the way, nothing that needs to be unblocked or fixed or altered in any way for this already present perceptual openness to be noticed.

With this recognition comes total clarity regarding the nature of all experience, all phenomena, including the experience of "I". With the acknowledgement of clarity as the basis for all perceptions, short moment by short moment, comes the realisation of just how painful it is to obsessively emphasise the experience of "I". When we see that "I" is simply another bright appearance of luminous clarity then we immediately have a balanced view on exactly what is really going on.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

The meaning of life

Once you see that all descriptions, labels and concepts appear equally within the vast expanse of natural clarity then the meaning of life becomes obvious. When we have the overview of all phenomena from the vantage of clarity then everything is seen clearly, like the view from a mountain top. When we have the context for all questions and and all answers we have access to a quite extraordinary intelligence that is unfettered by any descriptive framework.

How does this come about? Simply by allowing everything to be exactly as it, just for a short moment. In this instant of relaxed openness the pure, clear and ungraspable nature of all experience is directly recognised. When we repeat this moment of recognition then it is clear that this is already the way things are and the relief is immediate.

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

This thought

The thought that you are having right now is the place that you will find clarity shining brightly. Relaxed and naturally present like a cloudless sky.

Monday, 5 July 2010

Natural fun

By becoming familiar with the sky-like nature of perception, short moment by short moment, we discover the easy way of being. With nothing needing to be contrived any more all that's left is carefree openness. Life becomes fun and full of opportunities to help and support other people.

Thursday, 1 July 2010


It is impossible to capture or pin-down the hear-and-now. Each moment effortlessly slips into the next without separation or division. No label, no matter how compelling or concrete it seems, can ever completely describe our experience. Experience is always free flowing and limitless like the sky. To constantly try and define our experience and who we are with constant reference to all of the different labels is to miss what is most fundamental, the brilliance of naturally present clarity. The instinctive recognition of the inseparable nature of all labels from this vast spacious openness is to discover the truth of who really are and the secret to a life that is free of all concepts and descriptions. Suddenly we are free of the need to obsessively focus on an assumed self identity and are open to the magnificent potential of every moment.

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

All inclusive

There is no perception that is not included in the vast expanse of clarity. Each perception only arises due to innate clarity and each perception is brilliantly lit with clarity. Perceptions arise within clarity and clarity is only to be found in perception. The two are inseparable like the colour blue is inseparable from the sky.

Saturday, 26 June 2010


By relaxing and allowing everything to be exactly as it is for short moments we become more and more comfortable with the unpredictable display of phenomena that is sometimes called "life". We all know that life is unpredictable and by relying on innate clarity we also come to know that we have no need to desperately try and control our experience. Through relying on clarity we discover the stable ground of existence that is wide-open and clear. By repeating this instinctive recognition we gain confidence that this is the case and are therefore more able to deal with whatever happens next from the perspective of clarity.

Friday, 25 June 2010


It can be something of a shock when we discover that well-being does not depend on what we are thinking. We have been carefully trained to dissect and analyse our thoughts and emotions to decide which ones are good and which ones are unwanted. We use this methodology to order our life and to gauge whether we are "doing well" or not. We then proceed to try and have as many positive or pleasant experiences as possible and to minimise any negative emotions or thoughts. No matter how successful at this game we are there is no way to hold at bay the negative thoughts or experiences and no way to hold on to the pleasant or positive ones. This approach to life is always hard work as we continually try to micromanage life to be just the way we think it should be. No one had told us that there was any other way to go about things.

When we are introduced to the practice of "short moments" and the support of the world-wide Great Freedom community then very quickly we come to see the futility of this conventional approach to living. Instead we slowly recognise, in our own direct experience, that there is something about us that is always relaxed, clear and spacious no matter what thought or emotion happens to be appearing. By repeating the short moment, whenever we naturally remember then we gradually gain confidence in relying on this clarity and not the endless stream of descriptions. We discover that our well-being does not depend on any particular perception or set of circumstances but that it is to be found in the natural presence of sky-like clarity.

The value of the community is to make the instinctive recognition of clarity easy and to prevent the adoption of any extreme position or point of view. In this way we all support each other in this most important of choices.

Thursday, 24 June 2010


The clear openness of perception supersedes all ideas and conceptual frameworks. When we recognise this for short moments, repeated many times, then we really become comfortable with the unpredictable flow of all thoughts. To directly experience that no idea or concept can ever alter sky-like clarity is to directly comprehend the nature of all experience. With this comprehension comes an ease of being and simple appreciation of everything and everyone that is beyond imagining. The limitless liveliness of singularity dances in all its unrestrained joy!

Tuesday, 22 June 2010


When we look at nature the perfect interconnectedness of everything all at once is obvious. The unified nature of all phenomena, no matter how we describe them, is clear in the "natural world". The recognition that our thoughts, emotions and sensations are also nothing but this same unity is the beginning of true compassion and understanding.

Monday, 21 June 2010


The relief of recognising for a short moment the open clear nature of perception is immediate. This relief does not depend on any descriptive framework but is intrinsic to every perception. The wide-open sky-like nature of innate clarity is already the case and so to recognise this is never difficult. Repeat this simple recognition for a short moment whenever you naturally remember and see if this sense of openness and ease becomes more obvious in your own direct experience.


The ease of being and the complete confidence in knowing that we can rely on the openness of natural clarity comes about in repeatedly taking short moments of instinctive recognition. Keep it simple, short moments repeated many times, do become continuous and confidence and stability effortlessly increase. What a wonder!

Saturday, 19 June 2010


Humility is a sign of strength and stability. Thank you Great Freedom for all the incredible support I have received over the last few years, there is no way I could have done it on my own.

Friday, 18 June 2010


The effort to define ourselves by constantly referencing experience back to a set of belief systems and assumptions never leads anywhere other than more referencing. The brilliant clarity that illuminates all experience has no need of definition and its sole reference is itself. When we relax and recognise that that this is already the case then we find an ease and wisdom that cannot be contrived. When we gently remind ourselves of this fundamental truth, short moment by short moment, then the clarity of seeing everything exactly as it is shines more and more brightly.

Wednesday, 16 June 2010


What can you really say about your identity? What do any of the labels relate to? To see beyond all of the conventional descriptions of who you are just relax right now and notice the clarity that is looking through your eyes. The ability to know is primary to anything that is known and is essential to all knowing. It is always relaxed, wide-open like the sky and always completely beneficial. When we drop all pretence and assumed identities this benefit is immediately and directly experienced.

Tuesday, 15 June 2010


The value of spending time with a global community that is solely focused on supporting each other in the instinctive recognition of innate clarity cannot be underestimated. I feel so lucky to have the privilege of having so many incredible friends that want nothing but to help each other in gaining more and more stability and confidence in the brilliance of clarity. Thank you all for all that you do.

Monday, 14 June 2010


Right now you have a choice. You can continuing the endless task of sorting your experience in accordance with all the frames of reference you have adopted or you can relax and notice the brilliance of naturally occurring clarity. It is always this simple and every time you acknowledge in your own experience, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, then the more obvious clarity becomes.

Sunday, 13 June 2010


Watch your perspective change from being narrow and tense to expansive and wide-open simply by recognising the basic state of clarity for short moments, repeated many times. Your perception has always been unrestricted and free-flowing and you have always known this to be true . It is time to stop fooling yourself and get real with things as they actually are. Claim your birthright and make use of all that you have to offer to the world, it's time to stop messing around.

Thursday, 10 June 2010


The openness of perception is obvious when we just relax the obsessive need to describe everything just for a short moment. This openness is relaxed, sensitive and alert, free from the need to refer everything back to an assumed identity. We directly experience the spacious nature of all perceptions and the warm-hearted clarity that is their source. We see that we can allow all experience to be exactly as it is, give up the continual struggle to intellectually understand each and every fleeting appearance and simply enjoy the dynamic ease that is always immediately accessible. The already unified nature of all experience is taken out of the realm of the theoretical and into everyday life by simply taking short moments of relaxed openness whenever you remember.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010


You have everything you need to discover complete perfect mental and emotional stability. Your life is already perfect for the recognition of what underpins all experience. The constant that is to be found is what is looking at these words and because it is already looking it is already obvious. All that is required is to notice this basic information whenever you naturally remember until you become certain of this fundamental truth in your own direct experience. It really is up to you to decide what you want to do with your life.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Better and better

There is no end to gaining confidence in clarity, it just keeps getting better and better. Increased mental and emotional stability, coupled with keen insight into the nature of reality is just the start. Relating with ease and openness becomes the norm rather than the exception and the desire to actually be of benefit to yourself and others arises spontaneously in a completely uncontrived way. The incredible support that is offered by Great Freedom makes all this possible and the realisation dawns that together we can actually make a difference.

Sunday, 6 June 2010


The evidence for clarity is your present perception. Whatever you happen to be thinking right now is the only place that you will be able to recognise the brilliant ease of clarity. This makes it very simple and very direct. By recognising this basic piece of knowledge again and again we come to see that clarity is wide-open, naturally present, alert and completely dynamic, effortlessly reconfiguring itself on the fly.

Thursday, 3 June 2010


No pain whether physical or emotional can ever affect the wide-open relaxed nature of innate clarity. Because every appearance is nothing but clarity how could clarity affect clarity? When you relax and really allow everything to be just as it is then each description, each story, each elaboration is also seen to be nothing but clarity. Wherever you turn, whatever you are doing or thinking, that is where you will find clarity. Do yourself a favour, keep it simple, recognise the way things already are, short moment by short moment.

Monday, 31 May 2010

Exactly as it is

Have you tried relaxing just for a moment and leaving everything just as it is? This means simply pausing for an instant and recognising the natural clarity that is always already present and not only obsessively focusing on all the descriptions about what is going on. Each and every single time you do this the relief is immediate as you see that the things that you were so wrapped up in and concerned about are no longer quite as compelling as you thought they were. There is an ease and perspective that allows you to deal very practically with whatever needs to be addressed. Just repeat this relaxed recognition whenever you naturally remember and see how you become more capable and effective at whatever you are doing.

Thursday, 27 May 2010


To take responsibility for recognising each point of view as an appearance of clarity is to take responsibility for your own well-being. Once we have the perspective that recognition of the inseparability of all experience from the basic state brings then we are never really fooled by any fleeting appearance again. The tension of trying to constantly rearrange life in to the particular set of circumstances that we think will make us happy relaxes and we can truly be at ease with ourselves and others.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


There is nothing that needs to be worked at or understood for us to be able to recognise the natural presence of clarity. There is nothing that needs to be undone, resolved, fixed, healed or unblocked for the brilliance of clarity to be immediately obvious. There is no behaviour, thought, emotion, fear, doubt or concern that is anything other than evidence of your fundamentally pure wide-open being. Just relax and take a short moment to get to know yourself as you really are, brilliant clarity.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Already unified

The already unified nature of all phenomena is obvious when we jut relax for a moment and allow everything to be just as it is. This means that we just relax the obsessive compulsion to make something out of what is appearing and recognise the basic state that underpins all experience. In this way we become certain in our own experience as to the pristine nature of our own innate clarity.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Always-on clarity

Always-on clarity is what is essential and primary in every experience. It is your innate clarity that lights up every perception from within. It is always-on because no experience is a sign of anything other than the brilliance of clarity. Relax for a short moment and simply acknowledge what is already the case.

Saturday, 22 May 2010


The sun is always shining. When it's cloudy and grey the sun is shining. In the middle of the night the sun is still shining. No matter where you go, no matter what you are doing, the brilliance of clarity is always shining brightly. Just take a short moment to recognise this and see what happens....

Friday, 21 May 2010


From the naturally balanced view of innate clarity there is a wonderful openness in all relating. When we are grounded in the clarity that is the essence of every perception then there is no need to look to other people to provide us with well-being, we can actually be in relationship without expectation. When our relating is open and relaxed there is real warmth and clear understanding of what we can bring to that relationship, how we can support others in being comfortable with the unpredictable flow of experience.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

No complications

When you relax and recognise the already open nature of perception then you see how fundamentally uncomplicated life is. All the stories we tell ourselves about something being amiss or something being a sign that we are flawed and need to change are instantaneously shone through with the bright light of clarity. From this relaxed space we are so much more capable of dealing with whatever life throws at us. We are able to respond with genuine warmth and incredible sensitivity in all situations. We are free of the need to pick everything apart in the search for understanding as from this vantage we recognise the unified nature of all experience.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010


Right now you have a choice. You can be lost in a world of descriptions, labels and concepts or you can relax and recognise the clarity that is the essence of this moment. It is that simple. When you make that choice everything is seen clearly for exactly what it is, the actual nature of your experience instinctively recognised. It is the same choice in every moment and as we make this choice more often we gain confidence in the inseparable nature of whatever is appearing from the clarity of awareness. The missing piece of the puzzle is found and without anything needing to change we decisively recognise what is most fundamental.

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Basic Knowledge

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, clarity is present. It is only due to your innate clarity that you are able to experience anything. By simply acknowledging this basic knowledge you are guaranteed to experience increasing ease in all situations as you are no longer fooled as to the nature of perception. Each time you acknowledge this basic state you see how nothing has an independent nature separate or apart from this ground of being. This is the keenest insight into the nature of experience that you can ever have and leads to a life that is of immediate and long lasting benefit.

Sunday, 16 May 2010


By relying on the perfect intelligence of clarity we see that there is no need to hold to any conventional frames of reference. Instead there is an amazing responsiveness and ability to innovate in all spheres of human activity. This innovation spans the challenges of normal everyday life right up to the grandest theories of the nature of reality. This clarity of seeing is revealed in a short moment of relaxing and allowing all of the descriptions of what is going on to be exactly as they are.

Saturday, 15 May 2010


The benefit of gaining confidence in clarity is a complete mental and emotional stability, where you are no longer a victim of the unpredictable flow of experience. You become grounded in the openness that is the basis of all perceptions and the sensitivity and compassion that are synonymous with it. With the relaxing of the struggle of obsessive focus on the construct of a personal identity you unlock a vast reserve of energy that is immediately available to be of benefit to yourself and others. Clarity is the ability to respond with warmth and incredible intelligence in every situation, this is true wisdom.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Basic State

The basic state of your experience is clear and wide-open, like a cloudless sky. Since this is already the case, all that is required is to recognise this for short moments, repeated many times, until it becomes continuous. Not so complicated after all.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010


When you relax you are more effective. This is the case whether you are playing sport or dealing with a technical challenge on the computer, speaking to a colleague at work or making plans for the future. The basic state of your experience is always relaxed and wide-open and this is what we gain confidence in every time we take a short moment to recognise that this is so.

Saturday, 8 May 2010


The only place you will ever find true mental and emotional stability is in the instinctive recognition of clarity. Without this most basic of knowledge life is a roller coaster ride where we are at the mercy of every passing thought, emotion or sensation.

Friday, 7 May 2010


Nothing can obscure the brilliance of your own innate clarity. Just relax for a brief moment and touch in with the openness of perception that is always there.

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

What's Looking

Right now, what's looking through your eyes is clear, stable and naturally present. It doesn't matter whether you are sat on a bus, doing the washing up or working on the computer, what's looking is always what's looking.

Monday, 3 May 2010

The Sky

Sometimes it rains and sometimes the sun comes out. Sometimes the wind gusts and sometimes it is still. The sky is always wide-open and free.

Sunday, 2 May 2010


From the vantage of brilliant clarity even going to the local supermarket is a wonder. There really is nothing that is excluded from the all-encompassing embrace of innate clarity. No person, place, thing or activity that is not naturally illuminated with the pure light of wide-open clarity. Hooray for shopping!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010


Each moment is fresh and new. Each moment is relaxed and wide-open. Each moment is an amazing opportunity to discover the stable clarity that is at the root of every experience.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


When you rely on the clarity of awareness there is no way to lose. Whatever you are doing, whoever you are with, nothing can obscure the brilliance of innate clarity. When you rely on the natural compassion of clarity everyone is a winner.

Monday, 26 April 2010


Everything about your life is already perfect for the instinctive recognition of awareness, since everything is nothing but a self appearance of awareness. This makes it very easy. We don't need to look for certain kinds of experiences to find awareness but can just relax as "what's looking".

Saturday, 24 April 2010


It is only in the direct encounter with all of our experience, left exactly as it is, that we have the opportunity to recognise what is the essence of every perception, sky-like awareness. Nothing to avoid, everything instinctively recognised as the seamless free-flowing expanse of benefit, short moment by short moment, hooray!

Thursday, 22 April 2010


I have found that when I decided to rely on the support offered by Great Freedom the struggle to be at ease with who I am gently relaxed. All I found was a group of people who were completely dedicated to supporting me and everyone else in the instinctive recognition of clarity. There were no bells and whistles, no funny costumes or strange ways of speaking, just clarity reflected more and more brightly, day by day.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


The basic state of experience is always wide-open like the sky, flawless and naturally present. Once this is recognised the relief from trying to uphold all our ideas about ourselves and everything else is immediate. We recognise that all appearances are simply appearances of this basic state and that nothing whatsoever has a nature separate or apart from this ground of being. Finally we have the perspective on all of our experience that we were always looking for.

Monday, 19 April 2010


From the vantage of sky-like awareness there is no need to desperately cling on to conventional ways of describing experience. It is such a relief not to need to try and uphold all our complicated ideas of who we are and what we need to do to find a sense of completion. Instead we can enjoy the free-flowing display of phenomena in all its beneficial wonder.

Saturday, 17 April 2010


The simple understanding that all perceptions only arise in, of, as and through the clarity of awareness provides the essential perspective on all our experience. With this simple recognition we can begin to relax the habit of continually trying to make sense out of everything that appears by picking it apart and trying to pin it down. Instead we can just enjoy the free flowing display of phenomena in all its beneficial wonder.

Friday, 16 April 2010


Stop thinking, just for a moment............... notice the alertness and clarity that remains. This is the clarity of awareness.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Non separation

There never has been anything that has been separate from the basic state of our experience. Every thought, emotion, sensation, doubt, fear or question is effortlessly held in the warm embrace of innate clarity, with nothing left out. To take a short moment to simply acknowledge the clarity that is the essence of every perception is the greatest of all gifts, for ourselves and every one we care about. When we do this we see through the game of continually looking for something to be somehow different from how it is and can simply enjoy the relaxed openness that is at the root of every moment.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Basic Knowledge

Without recognising the basic knowledge that no phenomena has an independent, self-generated identity, then there is no way we can make sense of our experience. Until we understand this we will be continuously looking for one more piece of information, one more fact or feel that we need to read just one more book and then we will finally understand what is going on. To understand this fundamental knowledge intellectually is great but we will never have access to the vast expanse of our own innate intelligence unless we also recognise this instinctively. To recognise this instinctively we simply take short moments of the recognition of the clarity of awareness, repeated many times until this recognition is continuous.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


We always have a simple choice. We can live life from the very narrow perspective of the jumble of all our descriptive frameworks or we can rely on the perfect intelligence of sky-like awareness. When we rely on the clarity of awareness we are immediately smarter and live life from the powerful perspective of natural confidence. No longer bogged down in a fictitious world of opinions and ideas we can actually fulfil our incredible potential as human beings. We have so much creativity, so much compassion, so much to offer and the only way this can be realised is by making the choice to rely on our innate clarity again and again.

Monday, 12 April 2010


When we stop believing in the independent nature of phenomena then we recognise that the fundamental nature of all experience is wide-open and limitless. We cannot find any boundary to our clarity, no edges or limits. Clarity effortlessly subsumes all conventional descriptive frameworks in the brilliance of its natural luminosity. What we can create, contribute and give are finally realised by simply allowing beneficial clarity to inform our speech and actions. It is not complicated, it is clear, relaxed and naturally present in every perception.

Sunday, 11 April 2010


The intelligence singularity is obvious in each moment as each intelligent process. Each intelligent process is a perfect opportunity to recognise the basic intelligence that includes and subsumes all other modes of expression. Spontaneously self-replicating itself in an unpredictable, ceaseless display of harmonious creative activity the intelligence singularity is dynamic, alert and beneficially responsive.

Saturday, 10 April 2010


The beauty of each moment is revealed by relaxing and simply acknowledging the bright clarity that illuminates all experience. Life recognised as a seamless flow of wonder and creativity, shining with luminescent clarity. Wide-open and pristine, nakedly seeing from within each perception.

Friday, 9 April 2010


It is the brilliance of innate clarity that illuminates all experience, regardless of how we describe what is going on. When we allow the flow of perceptions to be just as it is then this luminous clarity is obvious. When we do this we discover an incredible natural resources within ourselves, the ability to relate with openness and incredible sensitivity in all situations and with all kinds of people.

Thursday, 8 April 2010


By relying on the openness of clarity we discover how to be completely at ease with ourselves. Just take a short moment to recognise this perceptual openness whenever you are naturally reminded, nothing else is required.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Every day

Each moment of each day we have a very simple choice. We can lose ourselves in a labyrinth of descriptive frameworks and concepts or we can recognise spacious awareness that is always relaxed and naturally present. When we rely on the clarity of awareness immediately our focus shifts from the obsessive focus on all our thoughts, emotions, sensations and other experiences and we relax. When we are relaxed we are more capable. More capable of relating with ease with other people. More capable of making decisions that bring us and everyone else benefit. More capable of living a happy, productive life where we really see what we are capable of contributing to the world.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Right here

Clarity is only to be found in the present perception. It is not some future destination that we are trying to get to. So, no matter how you describe what is going on right now, clarity is shining brightly from within whatever thought, emotion, sensation you are experiencing. This makes it very simple and every time we relax for a short moment this is instinctively recognised.

Saturday, 3 April 2010


Everyday life becomes full of delight and wonder when we simply relax and notice the wide-open clarity at the base of all experience. Going to the local supermarket to buy groceries becomes completely enjoyable and no longer a drag or a chore. Normal mundane activities are revealed as the splendid display of natural perfection and when you buy your milk and bread you will quietly smile a smile of gentle knowing.

Friday, 2 April 2010


Perception is always wide-open, limitless, like a cloudless sky. It is only when we focus on one particular perception and try to describe and define it that this openness is ignored. Each time we simply relax and notice our innate clarity we allow this openness to become more and more obvious in daily life.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010


It is your very own innate clarity that is the glue that binds all experience in a basic state of relaxed openness. When we recognise this then we recognise the already unified nature of all phenomena. This recognition must begin with all of our own thoughts, emotions, sensations and other experiences. Simply notice, for short moments, that the clarity that is reading these words is the same clarity that is present each and every time you check. From this most basic of knowledge great wisdom and the ability to be of real benefit in the world naturally arise.

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Where ever you go

Where ever you go, that is where you will find awareness, shining brightly.

I am in Delhi at the moment and it is only through the clarity of awareness that any sensation is experienced. Here with the colour, sounds and smells of a busy Indian city the magnificence and variety of this incredible display is blazingly obvious.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Free flowing

The free flowing display of phenomena is revealed in all its wonder when we recognise that everything rests equally in a basic state. We see through all conventional descriptive frameworks to the essence of each perception in the direct encounter with whatever is appearing. Simply recognise perceptual openness in all situations.

Saturday, 27 March 2010


The brilliant light of your own innate clarity illuminates all experience. It does not depend on any cause or condition, rather all causes and conditions are dependent upon luminous clarity to be known. Relax and simply recognise what is already the case.

Friday, 26 March 2010


Relying on the brilliant clarity of awareness makes life easy. We are able to make decisions that are naturally inclusive and of immediate benefit to ourselves and everyone else. We are no longer continually criticising, judging and blaming but instead have a clear understanding of exactly what the nature of experience really is. We can enjoy the openness of the pure view of innate clarity in every moment and this is also easy when we rely on the stable support of the Four Comforts.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Light hearted

From the balanced view of awareness we can approach life in a light hearted way. All situations are seen to be nothing but wonderful opportunities to recognise their essence of open clarity. We are no longer obsessively wrapped up in all out stories about any one fleeting appearance but instead can enjoy the broadest of all possible perspectives. When we clearly seeing everything just as it is then we are empowered to act with skill and keen insight in all circumstances.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


Enjoy a short moment of the clarity of awareness. Right now, with whatever your present moment point of view is, relax and recognise spacious awareness. Nothing is required.

Monday, 22 March 2010


When we relax for a short moment and allow the flow of perceptions to be whatever it is then we have keen insight into the fundamental nature of our experience. Each perception spontaneously appearing and resolving in the basic space of pristine clarity, like a rainbow appearing in the vast expanse of sky.

Sunday, 21 March 2010


When we simply acknowledge that there is a basic state within which all phenomena arise then we have the ultimate context for all of our experience. Without this most basic of knowledge we are lost in a maze of confused attempts to make sense of what is going on. At best the understanding we have without this recognition will be incomplete as it ignores what is most fundamental.

Saturday, 20 March 2010


The total simplicity of everything is revealed in a short moment of relaxed openness. Nowhere to get to other than where we are right now. No one to be other than exactly who we are in this moment. Pure seeing with nothing contrived, the complete enjoyment of everything, just as it is.

Friday, 19 March 2010

Crystal clear

The crystal clear, pristine nature of awareness is never affected by any appearance. Just pause your current description of what is going on for a short moment and recognise the innate clarity.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Natural presence

Relax, simply allow a short moment of openness. Nothing needs to be worked out or analysed. Just acknowledge the natural presence of clarity.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Endless Clarity

Endless clarity, wide-open like the sky. Shining brilliantly like the sun.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Nothing to contrive

Finally we can stop pretending. We can let go of all the contrived ways of behaving and all the stack of expectations that we have forever been trying to live up to. In a short moment of clarity we can simply accept ourselves exactly as we are. Nothing needing to be fixed, changed or altered in anyway. Just the brilliant shine of innate clarity lighting up every experience with the glow of natural perfection.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Natural condition

Our natural condition is relaxed and open. This simply goes unnoticed when we are obsessively focused on trying to reify all of our experience. By analysing, comparing, talking about and describing our experience we attempt to give it an independent identity. We never actually succeed and there is a nagging sense of something not being quite right when this is how we approach life. When we simply relax as the already unified field of clear awareness then all this futile activity comes to an end and we recognise the true nature of all our experience.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Right now

Right now we have the opportunity to recognise the brilliant light of our innate clarity that illuminates all experience from within. When we stop emphasising all of the descriptive frameworks and relax for a brief moment the natural presence of clarity is obvious. Wide-open, flawless and dynamically responsive to whatever is required in each moment.

Friday, 12 March 2010


From the balanced view of clarity our actions become highly effective and of immediate benefit. We are no longer limited by having to adopt any rigid position and can respond with openness, flexibility and laser-like precision to exactly what is required in any moment. We are free to contribute all of our innate talents to the betterment of all.

Thursday, 11 March 2010


We all possess the capacity to become familiar with our own innate clarity. When we rely on the brilliant intelligence of clarity we far more effective at whatever we are doing. We have the balanced view to make clear decisions that are of immediate benefit to all concerned.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010


Awareness is always to be found in the present moment perception. It is not some far off event that might happen in the future but is the fundamental essence of every perception, without exception.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010


In a short moment of relaxing and allowing everything to be just as it is we experience the wonder of being alive. The innocent way of looking that we had as a child is still the case, we just began to take all of our descriptive frameworks a little too seriously. We began to believe that the descriptions really could affect our fundamental nature, sky-like awareness.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Basic Knowledge

Without recognising that there is a basic state that underpins all of our experience we have no way to make sense of life. If all we are doing is comparing one concept with another, endlessly analysing every experience or looking for well-being in a certain set of circumstances then we are ignoring what is most fundamental. In a short moment of relaxed openness this basic state is obvious.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Basic State

The fundamental nature of all experience is wide-open and relaxed. All descriptive frameworks are subsumed within the comprehensive order of the basic state and rest naturally in it. Each perception equal in its inseparability from this most essential of categories.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Natural Confidence

There is natural confidence when we know that we can always rely on the open intelligence of awareness in all situations. We develop this confidence by taking short moments of the instinctive recognition of awareness whenever we naturally remember. In this way we effortlessly become certain that awareness is completely reliable, stable and immediately responsive to whatever is required in any moment.

Friday, 5 March 2010

True Freedom

True freedom is being at ease with whatever occurs. The only way that this can come about is by grounding ourselves in the basic state of our existence. Life is completely unpredictable and it is only when we recognise the stability of awareness for short moments that we discover the wide-open ease that is at the root of every perception.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

Super complete

This moment, right now, is already super complete. It doesn't need anything adding or anything taking away to make this so. In every short moment of allow the flow of perceptions to be whatever they are this is obvious in our own direct experience. As long as we are compulsively hoping that things will be somehow different this natural perfection will not be noticed.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Simple Choice

It is only when we make the simple choice of whether we are going to focus solely on the myriad of descriptive frameworks or the innate clarity that permeates and contains them all that we discover how perfect we already are. As long as our sole focus is on all of the labels and concepts that we have used to try and make sense of our experience there can be no recognition of natural perfection. From the narrow perspective of descriptions and ideas we can never have a truly balanced view, a view that effortlessly encompasses all descriptive frameworks but is not limited or constrained by any of them.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


Your own everyday experience of life is where you have the amazing opportunity to become familiar with the clarity of awareness. You don't need a special set of circumstances or a special set of thoughts or even particular emotions to gain confidence in your own innate wisdom and ease. Your life, exactly as it is, provides you with the perfect set of points of view to recognise clarity.

Sunday, 28 February 2010


When we allow the recognition of basic awareness all our attempts to fabricate a picture of reality based solely on descriptive frameworks gently relax. We see that we don't need to contrive anything any more and can actually enjoy life just as it is. The whole game of continually rearranging our circumstances in to a different set of circumstances is no longer necessary, we can also enjoy ourselves just as we are.


Alert, responsive clarity is the basis of all experience. It is only through this naturally occurring clarity that we experience anything at all. It is the brilliant shine of clarity that lights up all of our experience, clarity is the fundamental ability to know.

When we acknowledge this simple fact in our everyday lives then the wide-open ease of clarity becomes more and more obvious wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Clarity is the glue that binds all experience together into a seamless whole.

Friday, 26 February 2010


There is no end to gaining confidence in the brilliance of natural perfection. Each short moment reveals unending clarity. It has no limit, no boundary and no beginning or end. In a very practical sense this means that our lives become increasingly full of wisdom, compassion and the skill to bring benefit to every situation.


I am so happy to be back in Rishikesh at the start of almost a month of Open Meetings and teachings here. The river Ganga flows gently by and clarity shines brilliantly from every appearance.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010


When we allow a short moment of the instinctive recognition of clarity we immediately have keen insight into the nature of existence. We see right through all of the descriptive frameworks that we have built up to try and make sense of our experience. We see right to the heart of the matter, to the core of exactly what the nature of reality is.


Wherever you go, there you are, brilliantly shining clarity illuminating all experience from within. It doesn't make any difference where you are or what you are doing the brilliance of naturally occurring clarity is always guaranteed.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Everyday awareness

It is your own ordinary everyday awareness that is the key to an extraordinary way of life. By simply allowing short moments of the recognition of this ordinary everyday awareness life is revealed in all its splendour. We see through the game of reification that we have been obsessively engaged in and can actually then see how best to use our unique strengths, gifts and talents for the betterment of all.

Sunday, 21 February 2010

Simple choice

The choice we have is so simple. We can choose to be completely wrapped up in all of our thoughts, emotions and sensations or we can choose to relax as the wide-open space of "what is looking". When we repeat this choice it becomes obvious that this openness of perception is required for anything to be experienced.

Friday, 19 February 2010


What a relief to no longer have to delve into every perception as if life itself depended upon it. What a relief to see that all the clarity and understanding that we ever wished for are to be found in a short moment of allowing everything to be just as it is.

Short moments

With the commitment to short moments we are committing to a life that is increasingly filled with open-hearted clarity in all situations. The power and profundity is in its practical application in everyday life.

Wednesday, 17 February 2010


Your life, exactly as it is, is already perfect for you to recognise the ease and clarity of awareness. Nothing needs to change for the brilliance of clarity to be seen shining brightly in every experience. In fact it is only when we leave everything just as it is that this brilliance is noticed.


Each moment is an incredible opportunity to recognise what is most fundamental. Just by relaxing the compulsive emphasis on all of the descriptive frameworks for a brief moment then the perceptual openness that is always at the base of every perception is obvious. When we make this choice we become clear on exactly what the nature of our experience is.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010


When each and every perception is recognised as a spacious appearance of pure clarity then we experience the relaxed nature of existence. Inseparable from normal every-day life, clarity is the glue that effortlessly holds all experience together. When we acknowledge this then we have access to the perfect intelligence that we are.

Monday, 15 February 2010


Our very own everyday awareness is vast and limitless like the sky. We can find no boundary or edge and no place where it begins or ends. Once we become certain that it is the clarity of awareness that illuminates all of our experience then we can completely relax as the space of wide-open knowing. This space is alert, dynamic and immediately responsive.

Sunday, 14 February 2010


When you relax and allow everything to be exactly as it is, then you notice the infinite creative potential in every moment. It is only because we have been so wrapped up in all our descriptive frameworks that this has gone unrecognised.

Friday, 12 February 2010


When you familiarise yourself with what is at the root of all of your perceptions you become unshakable, like a mountain. You ground yourself in what is completely reliable and stable. "What is looking", never changes and does not depend on what is being looked at.


The only place that we will ever find complete stability is in the instinctive recognition of awareness. It makes no sense to base our stability on any of the fleeting appearances. All perceptions are a seamless uni-flow, ceaseless and unpredictable. The only constant is clarity, which is required for all perceptions to be know.

Thursday, 11 February 2010


Clarity is never affected by any of the appearances of clarity. Unending clarity is without limit or boundary.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

All inclusive

The clear light of awareness is what illuminates all of our experience. The clarity of awareness is all inclusive, it is only due to awareness that we are able to experience anything. In the same way that all the stars are effortlessly encompassed in the vastness of the night sky, awareness effortlessly contains all of our points of view.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Primary faculty

Awareness is the primary faculty. Without awareness nothing could be known. When we acknowledge this most basic of knowledge then we have keen insight into the nature of reality. We see that the essential nature of all experience is this perceptual openness. We see that this relaxed seeing is needed for anything to be experienced even experiences such as "anger" or "depression". When we recognise this for ourselves then our whole perspective of life gently changes and all of the descriptions that seemed so compelling can now be approached with openness and ease.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Who we are

We have always known who we are. To relax and allow the instinctive recognition of our own fundamental nature is never an effort. We are simply recognising something that is already the case. Short moments ensure that this recognition is uncontrived and we are not trying to associate this recognition with any particular perception. Sky-like awareness is the space that includes all perceptions.

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Stop searching

When we realise that what we have been looking for is "what is looking" then we can immediately relax. All the methods, strategies and concepts instantly shone through with the clear light of awareness, phew.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Basic recognition

Without the basic recognition of the fundamentally open nature of our perception we will always be looking for something more, there will always be the underlying feeling that something is missing. In the simple recognition of what is the essence and source of any perception then we see that this moment, right now, is already super-complete. When we relax for a brief instant then it is obvious that this moment, just as it is, doesn't need anything adding or anything taking away. We can then sit back enjoy the magnificent display.


Be gentle with yourself. In each short moment of allowing everything to be just as it is, we allow ourselves to be just as we are. Finally the whole game of looking for something to be different comes to a stop. In each short moment we see how perfect each perception is, no matter what descriptive framework we use to understand it. This can be directly experienced in every moment by relying on awareness and allowing the present moment perception to flow effortlessly by.

Thursday, 4 February 2010


Who could have imagined that mental and emotional stability were actually a possibility? When we see that there is something about us that is completely reliable, completely stable and always relaxed then we know that this is not just a possibility but can be our everyday lived reality. So simple, so effective and so profound. Thank you Great Freedom!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010


The basis for all experience is our ability to know. Without acknowledging this vital piece of the puzzle it is impossible to actually make sense of our experience. When we do simply acknowledge this basic fact as inseparable from whatever is appearing then we are able to have a balanced view and clearly see how to contribute our incredible innate talents for the betterment of all.

Monday, 1 February 2010


Relax the obsessive focus on all of our ideas about everything and rely on the space that contains and is not separate from those ideas.


It really is completely effortless to relax and allow the instinctive recognition of what is looking. Nothing is required for this recognition to occur and it does not depend on any situation or circumstance. The clarity of awareness already saturates each every perception and it is this that we become certain of by testing it out for short moment repeated many times.

Sunday, 31 January 2010


Your peace equals world peace. When we see that we have the option to emphasise our own innate peaceful nature and not solely focus on the descriptive frameworks we have used to try and find a peaceful way of life then we discover something quite amazing. We find that we always have the choice in how we want to use our minds. Do we want to live from the narrow perspective of concepts and ideas or do we want to relax and rely on the peaceful basis of every thought? Once we see that we can live life in a way that ends all the internal war then we begin to see that the far off fantasy of world peace may in fact be a possibility...

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Simple choice

It is quite incredible to see how such a simple choice in how we want to use our minds can have such far reaching consequences. From the very narrow perspective of a life based on all the descriptive labels we can never actually make sense of experience and certainly never know exactly how we can be of most benefit in the world. From the vantage of wide-open awareness we immediately recognise the true nature of human experience and instinctively know exactly how we can contribute our innate strengths, gifts and talent for the benefit of all.

Thursday, 28 January 2010


Our innate resource of clarity is available to us in every moment. The clear seeing that is at the base of all perceptions is always wide-open, alert and naturally responsive. From the balanced view of awareness we are able to make spontaneous decisions that are of immediate benefit to all. This can only come about when we see through the limitations of a world based solely on the descriptive labels we apply.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


Everything offered by Great Freedom has only one purpose and that is to support each of us in the instinctive recognition of ease in each and every moment. With the various kinds of support offered this recognition becomes easy and we find that what was once a struggle is now a fluid flow of spontaneous clarity and benefit.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Precious gems

Life is revealed to be one precious gem after another when we choose to rely on awareness. Each moment, each perception is an incredible opportunity to recognise the natural clarity of awareness that illuminates all experience with its glow of spontaneous benefit.

Monday, 25 January 2010


By relying on the clarity of awareness we find that we have so much to be grateful for. Rather than being full of judgement, blame and criticism, life becomes full of wonder and appreciation. This is quite a dramatic change in the way we relate to ourselves and others. The whole game of continually judging ourselves as being inadequate or some how fundamentally flawed is seen through in every short moment of awareness.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Nothing to avoid

When we see that whatever occurs is a bright appearance of awareness then we see that we really have nothing to avoid. We can finally relax and know that we have nothing to defend, nothing to prove and can actually just enjoy ourselves exactly as we are. This is true freedom.

Saturday, 23 January 2010


All perceptions are a seamless flow, continually changing and completely unpredictable. When we recognise awareness as being the source of every experience then we discover something that is completely reliable. We discover that which is always constant. By the power of short moments of awareness we find that awareness is naturally present amidst the flow of perceptions. It never goes anywhere but is stable and alert at all times.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Just as it is

It is only when we stop only emphasising all descriptions and leave everything just as it is, that we see clearly that the basic state is primary in all experience. Whilst we are completely wrapped up in all the labels we do not have the perspective to actually recognise the fundamental nature of all phenomena. This is immediate relief as we now have no need to carry on the futile task of constantly rearranging all our experience to try and make sense of what is going on.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Getting real

When we commit to becoming familiar with awareness we are committing to seeing everything exactly as it is. We see through all the myriad of descriptive frameworks that we have built up to try and make sense of our experience. We see right to the essence of every moment, crystal clear awareness. This is the only way we can "get real" with ourselves and stop pretending or contriving anything.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010


We can really enjoy whatever we enjoy doing when we are not blinkered by the belief in the independent nature of points of view. By relying on the openness of awareness we approach everything with an easy carefree manner.

Monday, 18 January 2010


The wide-open expanse of natural perfection is creative and dynamic. The infinite display of beneficial activity is obvious in the instinctive recognition of clarity.

Sunday, 17 January 2010


To become confident that the essence of every perception is the naturally present alertness of awareness is crucial. It is of vital importance that we recognise that we have the capacity to solve all problems from the vantage of awareness. First we see this on a personal level with the resolution of any self-imposed limitations. When these frames of reference are outshone by the brilliance of awareness then we begin to see beyond the conventional limitations that have been adopted in every sphere of our lives.

Friday, 15 January 2010


From the narrow cage of descriptions we are able to approach life with complete openness once we instinctively recognise what is at the root of every label. The filter of all of our descriptive frameworks is effortlessly seen through by the power of short moments of awareness, repeated many times. Every time we take a short moment we recognise the openness of perception that is always already the case. By recognising this again and again we grow confident that this openness is never affected or changed by any description or experience.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Back to basics

Just by committing to simply recognising for short moments that whatever appears is inseparable from the basic state we become able to finally make sense of our experience of life. Without acknowledging what is most fundamental this is just not possible.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Clear seeing

In the instinctive recognition of awareness as the source and essence of every phenomena we tap in to a vast natural resource. The natural intelligence and implicate order at the base of everything is immediately accessible every time we stop the obsessive focus on descriptions and simply acknowledge the wide-open nature of all experience. Without anything needing to be done, the clarity which illuminates every perception allows spontaneous creativity to shine forth in every moment. This out flow of beneficial activity occurs naturally when we no longer believe in the fiction of the independent nature of points of view. From the balanced view of awareness true innovation and the capacity to solve problems are the default setting. We can actually see the bigger picture.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Natural Perfection

In a short moment of just letting everything be, just as it is, we tap in to the ground of evenness and equalness that is the essence of every perception. This ground of being is always pristine and clear, never affected by any of the appearances, like a mirror is never affected by any of its reflections. When we relax and recognise the source of every phenomena then we see that natural perfection is the native condition of sky-like awareness. By being obsessively focused only on the endless stream of perceptions we have simply ignored what is most fundamental, this flawless ground of wide-open ease.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Nothing required

Nothing is required for us to be able to recognise awareness as the source of any perception. Nothing needs to change for us to see in our own experience that awareness is always wide-open and clear, like the sky. Our lives are already perfect for this recognition to occur, hooray!

Sunday, 10 January 2010


It is such a relief to see right through all the complicated ways of understanding ourselves. To understand that the essence of every moment is pure and simple gives us the ability to see everything clearly, exactly as it is. The clarity of awareness is the ultimate category that subsumes all other ways of categorising or describing experience. Without this most basic of knowledge there is no way to make sense of the myriad of descriptive frameworks whose analysis only leads to more description. Once we recognise that the primary faculty is awareness then we can effortlessly make sense of any phenomena, we decisively know the fundamental nature of any perception and life becomes easy.

Saturday, 9 January 2010


To recognise that the clarity of awareness effortlessly permeates every perception is an instinctive recognition. It is instinctive because it does not require intellectual speculation to be recognised. Awareness is the space of all thoughts and experience but is not affected by any of them. Trying to think ourselves in to a recognition of awareness can be frustrating as we are trying to form a concept about that which contains all concepts, the way that space effortlessly contains all objects within it.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Spacious and relaxed

As we recognise awareness as the root of every perception we begin to see that all the phenomena are appearing in a spontaneous relaxed way. All the ideas, all the emotions, all the sensations and other experiences are seen to no longer be something we constantly have to worry about. Instead we recognise the spacious ease that is the essence of every moment, no matter how we choose to describe what is going on. From this relaxed space of ease we can approach life with openness and uncontrived warmth.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010


Finally, when we instinctively recognise the wide-open spaciousness of our fundamental nature, we see that there is no need to contrive anything any more. When we recognise that all appearances are inseparable from the clarity of awareness then we know exactly what is going on in every moment. We come to the definitive conclusion about the nature of reality for ourselves.

With this understanding we see through the need to contrive our behaviour in any way. More and more we see that life is permeated by clarity and wisdom. We are naturally relaxed and approach life with true openness and warmth. What a joy!

Tuesday, 5 January 2010


Once we recognise that the spacious ease of awareness is always accessible then we discover something quite incredible about ourselves. We see that we have always been wide-open and have never actually been stuck or caught up anywhere. All the descriptions and labels that we used to try and make sense of our experience are seen for exactly what they are, more spacious appearances spontaneously appearing in, of, as and through the clarity of awareness.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Self affirming

Once we experience for ourselves the complete well-being that is accessible in every moment we naturally choose clarity more and more. Clarity is self-affirming. It becomes obvious that to not rely on clarity is to live from a very small space with a very narrow perspective. From clarity we experience life with openness and ease and see how much we are capable of contributing.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Natural Perfection

We have an incredible opportunity to recognise innate natural perfection in every moment. It is impossible to make this recognition whilst we are still completely wrapped up in all our descriptions of what is going on. By simply leaving everything just as it is we instinctively see that there is a ground of complete stability that underlies every label, concept or description. We effortlessly recognise our natural state precisely because it is our natural state and we do this short moment by short moment.

Saturday, 2 January 2010


By allowing short moments of awareness we touch in with the perfect intelligence that is the source of all phenomena. The more we rely on short moments and the other Four Comforts the easier it becomes to rely on our own innate wisdom. Wisdom is not a mysterious quality but is the simple knowing of exactly what to say and what to do in every moment in every day life.

Friday, 1 January 2010

New Years Resolution

Why not try enjoying short moments of awareness whenever you remember and make the most important resolution you will ever make.